Learn to Fly a Glider
Have you ever wanted to soar like an eagle and ride on the thermals just like they do? Well at the Adelaide Soaring Club (ASC), yes you can! The ASC is a not for profit organisation whose motto is: To enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation. All our instructors are fully qualified and love flying, so they volunteer their time to train our members and fly the public. This means we have lots of fun and it keeps our flying costs low compared to commercial organisations. We can train you to fly a glider and take to the skies on the doorstep of the famous and scenic Barossa Valley. We will take you through the whole training process from absolute beginner to solo and beyond. The flying principals are the same as they are for powered flight, however, you don’t have to worry about an engine so it can take less time to learn. The hours you take learning can also go towards your powered rating if you would like to go down this path at a later stage. Did you know that the Australian Airforce have been training Australian Airforce Cadets in gliding for years because of the excellent flying skills they learn as a glider pilot? You will learn to stay up for hours just riding the rising thermals throughout the day. The Gawler region has some of the best soaring conditions around the world. We even have pilots fly over 1000km in one day in the summer months. You can just have a bit of fun flying around the local area or learn to go on cross-country flights. You may even be interested in going into some cross-country competitions. These are held all over the world. You can even learn to do a few aerobatics, or all the above. Once you have your appropriate ratings you can take to the skies in all our modern gliders. You can start your flying lessons from the age of 14 and go solo at the age of 15. You can fly before you can drive. Yes, you can do all of this at the ASC. Details: You will need to become a Full Flying Member of the ASC and a member of the Gliding Federation of Australia (GFA). It is easiest to do this by organising a time with our friendly staff to come into our office where they can help you through the joining process for both the ASC and the GFA. The GFA is the national governing body for gliding and it is a legal requirement to be a member of the GFA and a Gliding Club to fly a glider in Australia. You will also need a Logbook and a Glider Pilot Training Record Book which are both available at the ASC and can be purchased when you join up. The text book that we use to learn our theory from is available online for free following this link to the GFA’s website http://doc.glidingaustralia.org/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&alias=2548-australian-gliding-knowledge-bgk&category_slug=manuals&Itemid=101 or a hard copy can be purchased via the shop on their website https://glidingaustralia.org/ Come and enjoy the benefits of learning to fly in a fun, friendly and professional club atmosphere. So, if you want to soar like an eagle tomorrow, then start learning to fly like one today. Call our friendly office staff now on 8522 1877 or email office@adelaidesoaring.org.au